This Sites Notation

Updated July 26 (added notes on trademark)

For the purpose of clarity, I will refer to three different categories of "Bill Lawrence" pickups. You may have already noticed pickups or pickup companies on this site being referred to as one of the following: ...

  • Bill Lawrence Pickups (Classic)

    Pickups made at Lawrence Sound Research between 1975(or 76) and 1984 while Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich) was in charge of production (if not building them himself).

  • Bill Lawrence Products (EZ)

    Pickups made by Jzchak EZ Wajcman after 1984 (or post-Lawrence Sound Research) found at These pickups may also be referred to as BLUSA's as in "Bill Lawrence USA".  These pickups are (TM) trademark "Bill Lawrence" electric guitar pickups.

  • By Bill Lawrence (WS)

    This label denotes pickups made or designed by Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich), after 1984 (or post-Lawrence Sound Research) including pickups from OBL Pickups and/or at and These pickups may also be referred to as OBL's, Bill and Becky's or BnB's.  (These pickups are NOT (TM) trademark "Bill Lawrence" electric guitar pickups.)

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