Mr. Wajcman started Lawrence Electro-sound with Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich) in Germany during the mid sixties. This company would close its doors in 1970.
In 1982 Mr. Wajcman re-entered the guitar pickup business, again teaming up with up with Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich).
Since 1984, he has been making and selling pickups doing business as Bill Lawrence Products, Bill Lawrence Guitar Pickups, and Bill Lawrence USA without the involvement of Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich).
Mr. Wajcman holds the (tm) "Bill Lawrence" . Electric guitar pickups made by Jzchak Wajcman DBA Bill Lawrence Products/Bill Lawrence guitar pickups/Bill Lawrence USA are trademark "Bill Lawrence" pickups.
Pickups made By Mr. Wajcman are commonly confused with pickups built by pickup designer Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich), or pickups that Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich) has designed for or licensed to other companies.
Disclaimer as it currently appears on the web site "Jzchak Wajcman DBA Bill Lawrence Products, Bill Lawrence guitar pickups, Bill Lawrence USA is not associated with the designer "Bill Lawrence" since 1984"
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