The Lawrence Sound Research (LSR) L-510 was born in 1981, when, at the request of Ronnie Montrose, Bill Lawrence created a cleaner version of the L-500L and L-500R. These new cleaner L-500's were labeled L-510L and L-510R and featured chrome housings and two 2.150 inch long, curved blades, much like the L-500's.
The L-90 magnetic electric guitar pickup was released by Lawrence Sound Research (LSR) in 1976, the precursor to the L-500.
From the ad pictured below "L-90XL Replacement pickup developed and built in Germany in 1968 by Bill Lawrence and reissued in 1977 ". I guess Bill developed this while at Lawrence Electro-sound?
Advertisement/photos as they appeared in Guitar Player magazine, July 1979.
The L-500 magnetic electric guitar pickup was released by Lawrence Sound Research (LSR) in 1979. Inheritor to the L-90XL throne, the L-500 was the next stage in the evolution of the ultimate guitar pickup by Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich). Initially available as Lead/bridge (L-500L) with 9.6 Henry and Rhythm/neck (L-500R) with 4.8 Henry.
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