L-500 / OBL-500 / L-900

The L-500 magnetic electric guitar pickup was released by Lawrence Sound Research (LSR) in 1979. Inheritor to the L-90XL throne, the L-500 was the next stage in the evolution of the ultimate guitar pickup by Bill Lawrence(Willi Lorenz Stich). Initially available as Lead/bridge (L-500L) with 9.6 Henry and Rhythm/neck (L-500R) with 4.8 Henry.


L-500L late 1982 or early 1983,  top-front L-500L late 1982 or early 1983, bottom L-500L late 1982 or early 1983, on side. Note the curved blades. L-500L late 1982 or early 1983, on side. Note the curved blades.

(pictured right: a post 1981 pre 1984 L-500L. This example was made before the switch to flat blades but after the addition of the bottom imprint. Early 1983 then?)

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