With the "Bill Lawrence" trade name/mark dispute heading to the courts(link), with, hopefully, an end in sight, this site may soon become irrelevant. When(if) this dispute eventually gets resolved, identifying a "Bill Lawrence" pickup will be an easy matter, and this sites content will only apply to "old" or "used" pickups. My goal is for this site to grow into a reservoir of knowledge about ALL electric guitar pickups, not just the "Bill Lawrence" guitar pickups made by two manufacturers. How they work, the differences in designs, sounds, and applications, how to build one yourself, how to repair one, and maybe most importantly, how to wire a guitar for sound :) That's a lot of "hows" I hope to cover. If I can wrap my brain around all the physics involved in the design and production of an electric guitar pickup, maybe you, my good reader, may push the science further!! Stay tuned...
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